Pacificwin Pacific is a regional network of indigenous Pacific women’s groups from ten Pacific nations mandated as the global focal point for Migration in the Pacific Region. They have contributed to the negotiations of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM); and they have been a part of the regional reviews for the implementation of the GCM. The group ensures a Pacific voice on the Global Action Committee to the GCM; and the global Climate Change Migration and Displacement Platform. They also represent Pacific in other international fora, including coordination of the Pacific team for Civil Society of the G20; representation on the Migrant/Diaspora Constituency for Civil Society Partners of Development Effectiveness; a member of the Advocacy and Engagement Working Group to the global Alliance 8.7 Board focused on human trafficking. At a regional level, they are also a member of the Non-State Actors network under the Pacific Islands Forum; and an associated member of the Pacific Islands Association of the Non-Government Organisations. At a national level in Australia, they are a member of one of the National Women’s Alliances’ groups, Harmony Alliance for Migrants and Refugees; an initiator and part of the secretariat for the national NAVA (Niue Australians Vagahau Association); and a member of the national Oceania Working Group for the Australian Dictionary of Biography.