Hello, Florence here and I am the creator of Katoa Collection, yoga and mindfulness teacher, lover of the ocean and big dreamers.
Over 5 years ago my life was completely different to how it is now. Depleted, unfulfilled and lost. I’ve always been a bit of hippie at heart yet felt I pulled away from that space and more into my “practical” side. In 2013 I spent 8 weeks abroad volunteering in Kenya within a women’s clinic and children’s hospitality. This was such an AH-HUH moment for me, in knowing in my heart that my purpose is to serve and support peoples’ journey.
Coming home full of inspiration I delved into self-development, mindset training, Yoga, Meditation and Energy Healing. As a lover of coffee, I worked as a barista for many years while my heart was slowly tugged more and more towards my hippie self. As a young woman growing up within a Tongan family I often felt lost because I didn’t know anyone else who looked like me, doing the work I wanted to do in the Wellness World. First Tongan Wellness Worker- here I come!
I am so grateful to be raised by my incredible strong Mum and her beautiful sisters. They are my inspiration for the birth of the Katoa Collection. Katoa (Gah-Door-Ah) or (Car-toe-ah as we often get) is my mothers maiden name which for me, represents all the strong women in my life who have come before me and will come after me. Focusing on Self Care, it is my intention of sharing and supporting women in their journey of taking care of themselves and putting themselves first. I truly believe it is not expressed enough the power of Self Care. Completing my Yoga Training in 2018 truly began my Self Care practice and my journey to slowing down, moving mindfully and creating my own version of happiness.
Each day I am on a mission in combining all of my knowledge to create a community of conscious women choosing Self Care daily. I encourage a life of truly knowing yourself, slowing down, moving with intention and creating YOUR OWN happiness. What does the most well-rested, happy, confident version of you look like?
I hope Katoa Collection helps you to meet
Florence XX