The arts and crafts in Papua New Guinea is vast and presents profound and economic opportunities for local talent. A prospect that needs to be constantly probed. PNG Artisan Culture is a 100% locally owned Arts and Craft Innovative business established to preserve PNG Culture and traditions through various online marketing platforms, introducing and creating a market value, demand and supply chain for PNG’s unique and quality cultural products.
Our organization believes the people pursue artistic and creative expression through a variety of outlets: music and food festivals, celebrations and informal cultural gatherings and most importantly- crafts groups. Together, these formal and informal, tangible and intangible cultural activities constitute a community’s cultural assets.
These activities are essential to a community’s well-being, economic and cultural vitality, sense of identity, and heritage thus we believe in promoting quality PNG made handicraft products, injecting direct income to weaver’s families in the rural and most remote villages in the country as well as preserving their creative techniques and skill of weaving and carving.
Click on their links to contact Artisan directly for more details.